
Wawulpone-Höhle Wawulpone-Höhle Wawulpone-Höhle

Waulpone, die „legendäre Felsenhöhle“ mit den unerwarteten archäologischen Beweisen einer Zehntausende Jahre alten Zivilisation, die bis in die Zeit des „Balangoda-Mannes“ zurückreicht, ist erneut einer neuen Bedrohung ausgesetzt: den illegalen Edelsteinaktivitäten.

Die alten Felshöhlen mit weiten Teilen der Wildnis, eingebettet in eine Panoramaaussicht, verlieren schnell ihr touristisches Potenzial und ihren historischen Wert, mit den erfreulichen Aussichten der Umgebung, unter der Axt des Holzfällers, den Werkzeugen der Gemmer usw Berichten zufolge das Dynamit der Schatzsucher. Der Bach, der durch den Vordereingang der Höhle fließt und mit seinem kühlen, silbrigen Wasser eine angenehme Überraschung für die müden Besucher darstellt, hat seinen Charme durch die wahllosen Massensteinbearbeitungsarbeiten verloren, die sich auf die unmittelbare Umgebung und das gegrabene Bachbett ausgewirkt haben und umgeworfen.

【LK94009644: Text von Lakpura™. Bilder von Google, Urheberrechte liegen bei den Originalautoren.】

About Ratnapura District

Ratnapura is the provincial capital of Sabaragamuwa Provinceof Sri Lanka and the Ratnapura District in which the town is situated. Located some 101 km south east of Colombo, it is the centre of a long-established industry of precious stone mining including rubies, sapphires, and other gems. Apart from gem mining, the town is known for rice and fruit cultivations. Large plantations of tea and rubber surround the town. Tea grown in this region is called low-country tea. There is a well-established tourism industry in Ratnapura. Sinharaja Forest Reserve, Udawalawe National Park, Kitulgala, and Sri pada are especially popular among tourists.

Most of the large-scale gem businessmen of Sri Lanka operate from Ratnapura. The Rattnapura town depends on the gem trade. The town's agricultural industry is also well developed. Large plantations of tea and rubber surround the town. Although rice fields also used to be a common sight around the town, rice cultivation presently faces an uncertain future in Ratnapura because many farmers are giving up their rice cultivation and switching to gem mining which is a more productive way of earning money.

Special places in Ratnapura:

The mountain Sri Pada -Adam's Peak (Buddhist/Hindu/Islam)

Maha Saman Devala (Buddhist)

Delgamu Viharaya (Buddhist)

Pothgul Viharaya (Buddhist)

SS Peterand Paul's Cathedral (Catholic Church)

St. Luke's Church(Church of England)

Siva Temple (Hindu)

Jumma Mosque (Islam)

Diva Guhava (Buddha)

About Sabaragamuwa Province

The Sabaragamuwa Province of Sri Lanka contains two main cities called Ratnapura and Kegalle. At an elevation of approximately 500 feet above sea level, Ratnapura is the provincial capital of Sabargamuwa. It is 60 miles (100 km) from the main coastal city of Colombo. Province of Sabaragamuwa The gem-mining centre of Sri Lanka is also a major crossroad between southern plains and the hill country to the east.

In Sabaragamuwa province there is a route to Sri Pada from Ratnapura direction. Excursions include Sinharaja Forest Reserve and Udawalawe National Park. The route towards hill country is beautiful. The surrounding area is a popular trekking destination and a good place for bird watching.