


Alma Post Town - Maturata District - Maturata Estate & Planter data only covers the period from 1870 to 1929 with some gaps in-between as not all records were available....


Alma Post Town - Maturata District - Maturata Estate & Planter data only covers the period from 1870 to 1929 with some gaps in-between as not all records were available....



Mooloya Post Town - Hewaheta District - Hewaheta Upper Established - 1870 Estate & Planter data only covers the period from 1870 to 1929 with some gaps in-between as not...


Mooloya Post Town - Hewaheta District - Hewaheta Upper Established - 1870 Estate & Planter data only covers the period from 1870 to 1929 with some gaps in-between as not...



Gonapitiya Group Post Town - Kandapola District - Maturata Established - 1917 Estate & Planter data only covers the period from 1870 to 1929 with some gaps in-between as not...


Gonapitiya Group Post Town - Kandapola District - Maturata Established - 1917 Estate & Planter data only covers the period from 1870 to 1929 with some gaps in-between as not...

Handmade Tea from Ceylon

Handmade Tea from Ceylon

Produced for discerning tea lovers the world over, handcrafted teas could be described as liquid gold. Very unique and rare, Ceylon Handmade Tea offers you a flavour profile that brings...

Handmade Tea from Ceylon

Produced for discerning tea lovers the world over, handcrafted teas could be described as liquid gold. Very unique and rare, Ceylon Handmade Tea offers you a flavour profile that brings...

Ceylon Cinnamon Leaf Oil

Ceylon Cinnamon Leaf Oil

Ceylon Cinnamon Leaf Oil is extracted via steam distillation from the leaves and twigs of the Cinnamon tree. The oil extracted from Cinnamon leaves contain many vital phenols and beneficial...

Ceylon Cinnamon Leaf Oil

Ceylon Cinnamon Leaf Oil is extracted via steam distillation from the leaves and twigs of the Cinnamon tree. The oil extracted from Cinnamon leaves contain many vital phenols and beneficial...

Shipping Terms


Lakpura bietet eine Reihe von Seefracht- und Luftfrachtoptionen an. Zu den gängigen Frachtoptionen gehören Fracht an Bord (FOB), Kosten und Fracht (CFR), Kosten, Versicherung und Fracht (CIF) und Tür-zu-Tür (DTD)....


Lakpura bietet eine Reihe von Seefracht- und Luftfrachtoptionen an. Zu den gängigen Frachtoptionen gehören Fracht an Bord (FOB), Kosten und Fracht (CFR), Kosten, Versicherung und Fracht (CIF) und Tür-zu-Tür (DTD)....